Murr & Associates
"Building Resilience with expertise and legal talent"
"Building Resilience with expertise and legal talent"
"Building Resilience with expertise and legal talent"
Where dedication and skills meet legal excellence...
Where dedication and skills meet legal excellence...
Where dedication and skills meet legal excellence...

Murr & Associates

Founded in 1998 in Beirut – Lebanon by Elie El Murr, Murr Law Firm is a leading law firm that enjoys a statewide reputation for providing comprehensive, widespread knowledge and for handling a broad range of complex legal issues for businesses, governmental entities, organizations, professionals, and individuals, both regionally and nationally.

More than 27 Years of Legal Expertise...



Lebanon is a free market economy, and has a liberal and open economy particularly by MEA standards.
Lebanon has liberal laws designed to encourage foreign investment and stimulate commercial activity.
Various type of companies and offices, governed by Lebanese commercial code and its regulations, are available to foreigners willing to invest in Lebanon.
Unlike many countries in the region , Lebanese law does not require joint ventures to have a specific percentage of Lebanese ownership .

Private Limited Company

Number of partners: Minimum 3 partners / shareholders, with a Maximum of 20. The law 126/2019 added the possibility to have a limited liability company incorporated by a single partner.
Capital (max/min): Minimum capital of LBP 5,000,000 wholly paid-up at time of registration.

Shareholders and liability: Limited to the extent of the share capital
Limited Liability companies are subject to:
• 17% tax on corporate profit
• 15% tax on profits received from the sale of fixed assets including financial assets (shares)
• A withholding tax at a rate of 10% on all proceeds derived from movable capital assets (fixed assets) generated in Lebanon. This Tax essentially concerns:
o Distributed dividends, interest and income on shares
o Distribution of reserve or profits in the form of additional shares or under any form

Joint Stock Company 

Number of partners: Minimum 3 partners / shareholders.
Capital (max/min): Minimum capital of LBP 30,000,000 with 25% to be paid at time of registration.
Shareholders and liability: Limited to the extent of the share capital
Board of directors  : Minimum 3 members up to maximum 12

A joint stock company must appoint an auditor and a lawyer .

Joint Stock companies are subject to:

  • 17% tax on corporate profit
  • 15% tax on profits received from the sale of fixed assets including financial assets (shares)
  • A withholding tax at a rate of 10% on all proceeds derived from movable capital assets (fixed assets) generated in Lebanon. This Tax essentially concerns:
    • Distributed dividends, interest and income on shares
    • Directors’ representations as well as amount payable to them from profits
    • Distribution of reserve or profits in the form of additional shares or under any form


The holding company,is a special type of joint stock company, subject to Decree Law No. 45/83 and to law no 772 dated of 11-11-2006.

Number of partners: Minimum 3 partners.
Capital (max/min): Minimum capital of LBP 30,000,000.
Shareholders and liability: Limited to the extent of the share capital
The chairman can be a non-Lebanese , provided he is resident abroad and he can practice without a work permit.

GA & BOD can be held outside Lebanon Members of the board and shareholders can be non-Lebanese as well.

Holding companies are subject to:

  • A Gradual tax on capital and reserves ranging from LBP 1.8 Million up to LBP 5 million maximum.
  • 10% on the interest on loans issued to companies operating in Lebanon, if the loan maturity is less than three years
  • 10% tax on capital gains received from the sale of shares or its participation in Lebanese companies it has owned for less than 2 years
  • in Lebanese companies it has owned for less than two years
  • 10% on amounts collected from renting patents and on the reserved rights it possesses on a Lebanese company
  • 5% on amounts collected from Management fees

Holding companies are exempt from paying:

  • Income tax on profits
  • Income tax on profit distribution

Offshore Company

The offshore company is a special type of joint stock company, subject to Decree Law no.46 of June, 24 1983

 Number of partners: Minimum 3 partners.
Capital (max/min): Minimum capital of LBP 30,000,000.
Shareholders and liability: Limited to the extent of the share capital 

Offshore companies are subject to:

  • LBP 1 million (USD 663) fixed annual tax
  • 15% tax on profit received from the sale of the fixed assets in Lebanon
  • Payroll tax on the salaries of company employees working in Lebanon

Offshore companies are exempt from paying:

  • Income tax on profits
  • Income tax on profit distribution
  • Stamp duties on overseas business contracts signed in Lebanon
  • Payroll tax on 30% of foreign employees’ basic salary


General Partnership (SNC)

Number of partners: Minimum 2 partners.
Capital (max/min): No minimum capital.
Shareholders and liability: Unlimited liability

Partnership limited by actions (SCA)

Number of partners: Minimum 2 partners.
Capital (max/min): No minimum capital.
Shareholders and liability: Unlimited liability for General Partners. Liability limited to their investments for Limited Partners.

Partnership limited by shares (SCS)

Number of partners: Minimum 2 partners.
Capital (max/min): No minimum capital.
Shareholders and liability: Unlimited liability for General Partners. Liability limited to their investments for Limited Partners.


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